
Can We Upload Tableau Workbook On Gitbub

Java CI with Maven


A tool to publish Tableau dashboards to Tableau server.

Notes and Gothcas

Adding Tableau to your CI/CD pipeline comes with a number of unexpected surprises and gotchas. Below is a listing (or perhaps more of a encephalon-dump) on some items to keep in mind when developing a Tableau deployment solution:

  • In club to check in your workbook to Git (or another VCS) you need to ensure that your embedded extract extracts are empty. For reference: log/2013/9/like shooting fish in a barrel-empty-local-extracts-25152-0

  • It is important to set the appropriate possessor for the workbook. This will ensure notifications volition go to the advisable person / group.

  • Ensure you forcefulness UTF-8 encoding everywhere when dealing with the XML file. Mistakes tin can creep in if you lot work on both Windows and Linux. Some versions of these will have default graphic symbol sets non supported by Tableau. Using UTF-viii is ever the safest.

  • You may find that setting refresh schedules on your workbook through the API might inexplicably fail. This is considering there is a required ordering to how datasource children elements should announced in the datasourcesparent. You must ensure that all datasource children elements with a refresh sub-kid with an incremental-updates attribute of true must be last in that child list.

  • The latest version of Tableau (2020) converts total text values to CDATA XML entries rather than escaping the private characters. This tin crusade problems if your XML parsing tool adds a new line in front end of the CDATA tag. This causes issues with Tableau formatting.

Phased Deployment Workflow

When publishing a Tableau workbook it is often desirable to keep user downtime to a minimum. This can be achieved by get-go publishing the new workbook every bit a candidate. Following user or automated examination verification it can and so exist 'switched' over. To accomplish this you generally follow these steps:

  1. Publish the workbook with a 'candidate' proper noun (eastward.thousand. "*___Candidate"). API phone call workbook?overwrite=true&asJob=true
  2. Wait the completion of the job. API call jobs/jobId
  3. Update workbook owner and workbook connections (the latter needs to be done if you update the owner)
  4. Refresh the 'candidate' workbook (remember up to this indicate the workbook had an empty excerpt)
  5. Perform verification
  6. Download full workbook. API call /workbooks/<workbook_id>/content?includeExtract=true
  7. Update the *.twb file inside the *.twbx file if required (due east.g. reorder the datasource elements as described above)
  8. Upload the new workbook with the corrected name (eastward.yard. drop the "*___Candidate" suffix)

While this workflow is more involved, it reduces the downtime that whatever user will feel. Particularly if step (4) takes a long time to complete.

Can We Upload Tableau Workbook On Gitbub,


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